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Non Motivational Posters ⇔ Demotivational Posters

Unlike the camel some people cannot go a week without a drink...

Drunk "Unlike the camel some people cannot go a week without a drink"

MARRIAGE Ask her for her hand, when you're tired of using yours

MARRIAGE - "Ask her for her hand, when you're tired of using yours"

Non Motivational Fishing Poster

"Sometimes it's not the bait that gets the large fish, but the bobber."

Wood Chippers When you really need to get rid of the Christmas tree

Wood Chippers - "When you really need to get rid of the Christmas tree"

Spam the only pork that will expire well after you do

Spam the only pork that will expire well after you do...


Barack Obama Beer 1000 Dollar Bill

Barack Obama
The recession has been over for him since he took office…
Do I have to say anything else?

BP Oil Spill Motivational Poster 2010

BP Oil Spill Motivational Poster 2010
BP - Mistakes "And you thought the exxon valdez was bad..."

Trojan - Your antivirus software can't protect you from everything.


The "Small People" wouldn't lose 5,000 barrels a day... Thanks BP!

Spam if the original wasn't bad enough for you.

Spam if the original wasn't bad enough for you... Let's add some Bacon!

More Non Motivational Posters

Non-Motivation is the inverse activation of non-goal-orientated behavior. Non-Motivation is said to be non-intrinsic or non-extrinsic. Demotivational Posters

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